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Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Yoga poses to avoid during periods

Yoga poses to avoid during periods

1. Inversions


You must have listen yoga trainers suggest against inversions during periods. Inversions contain headstand, handstand, shoulder-stand. The rationale behind this has its roots in Ayurvedic science which tells that it is the energy flow (prana) we are related with.

“The flow of prana moves away from the tummy in case of inversions because of  the upside-down movement. Hence, traditionally, yogis recommend ignoring it,” explains Kapoor.

Easily saying that our energy flow goes downwards and turning upside down can intervene with that. Basically, the blood is oozing out for a cause , so let your body do the natural thing. Alongside, there is a danger of blood flowing back into fallopian tubes, which is trusted to cause endometriosis.

That being told , Kapoor adds, “Man yogis believe that inversions can be practiced in yoga. Medical science suggests that gravity doesn’t really impact the flow of blood (explaining normal period cycles of female astronauts)”.

2. Deep forward bending


“Deep forward bends will crunch  tummy and put pressure on the uterine lining,” says Kapoor. It is similarly that any form of the forward bend will exert the already bloated abdomen and can generate your pain to worsen. It can even cause swelling of the blood vessels in your uterus. Truly , that’s something you would not want to happen.

3.Core workout


For core workouts, she shares, “Your uterus and abdominal region are already under a load of menstrual management. So, loading it up with more core workouts would be redundant and unhealthy”.

4. Bow pose


Bow pose can actually turn out very useful in getting rid of that irritating period bloat, but it puts a lot of pressure on the back. So, you must go simple with this if you are already experiencing a sore back during a your periods.

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