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Saturday, 23 July 2022

Effective India Home Remedies for Common Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment

 Effective India Home Remedies for Common Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda has tons of good remedies obtainable for common ailments. From a headache to skin  problems, migraine to obesity, acid reflux to diabetes, there is a host of situations that Ayurveda can treat. While the complexity of a specific condition decides the period it takes for the body to obtain a full care, Ayurvedic remedies work best when it is applied during the starting stages of a particular ailment.

Here is a list of 6 common Ayurvedic remedies that can treat common ailments without having to visit a doctor:

  1. Common cold: 

The common cold may not be a grave threat to a person’s health, but it can seriously hinder the regular schedule. Not to mention, if the situation is not treated early, it can aggravate to serious conditions like                 pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma etc. An Ayurvedic remedy for treating common cold contains consumption of ginger in the form of tea, black pepper, and long pepper. They can decrease inflammation of the lungs and get the mucous out of the body.

  1. Diabetes

Diabetes is a grave threat to a person of any age. This is credited to poor lifestyle, bad diet and lack of exercise. Ayurveda recommends fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, a well lifestyle and quitting caffeine. Apart from this, consumption of herbs like  turmeric can greatly support to keep the blood sugar at the optimum level. Practicing of breathing techniques and yoga can further support to keep diabetes under control.

  1. Acid reflux:

  1.  Acid reflux has become a general phenomenon these days. Because of  unhealthy eating habits and untimely consumption of food, acid reflex can occur to anyone. If appropriate care is not taken on time, it can aggravate to indigestion and heartburn. Drinking a glass of aloe vera juice daily can provide instant relief from chronic acid reflux. Basil leaves are another best source of Ayurvedic remedy to treat this situation.

  2. Obesity: 

It is approximated that over 13% of the world population suffers from obesity. Obesity can have grave repercussions if the extra pounds are not shredded on time. Some grave cardiovascular and breathing troubles surface from this condition. A good diet and physical exercise support largely to get rid of extra pounds. Ayurveda recommends a juice of honey and lemon in lukewarm water to be consumed regularly .
  1. Migraines: 

Migraines can wreak havoc on the life of an personal. It takes many days for a chronic migraine to go away and obtain temporary relief. Ayurveda suggests practicing of yoga and pranayama to obtain relief from this condition. Apart from this, regular consumption of turmeric in the form of supplement, tablets or as a whole can greatly support to stay away from a migraine in the first place.
  1. Dandruff: 

Dandruff is another general  problem that many people face in their daily life. It is a situation where the scales obtain separated from the scalp and makes the head dry. Ayurveda suggests usage of fenugreek seeds and lime to get rid of this situation. If you want  to discuss about any particular problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.

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