Five-day special training of 100 teachers of Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation and 50 teachers of Nathanagar Block started in the district school from Tuesday. And with this began the NISHTHA (Nishtha) National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement (National Initiative for the Overall Advancement of School Heads and Teachers). Gujarat is the 12th state in the country in which the loyalty program has started. The training was inaugurated by Diet Principal Rakesh Kumar.
With the training of loyalty, there will be overall improvement in the educational work of the teachers of the district. Keeping in mind the changing times and changes in children's thinking, they will be taught new tricks in five days of training. So that the teacher can study according to the interest of the children by making the studies in the game enjoyable.
Speaking on the occasion, Rakesh Kumar said that the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development has started a loyalty program to empower education at the primary level itself. Under this, teachers are being trained to encourage critical thinking in students.
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Manoj Kumar Bandhu said that the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, has taken an unprecedented national initiative to train about 42 lakh teachers of elementary education classes one to eight under overall education. Through loyalty, school leaders and teachers will be able to enhance their leadership skills and they will ensure the development of personal and social qualities in children.
Subhash Chandra Paswan said that Nishtha will also provide a portal and mobile app, in which all information related to quality materials and training will be available. Teachers will develop their own abilities by sharing this among themselves.
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Pritam Kumar said that with this training, teachers will be motivated and able to develop creative thinking in students. He will develop the talent to become a consultant.
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