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Sunday, 29 September 2019

India can have a single multipurpose id card:Passport, Aadhaar, PAN, all in one

Home minister Amit Shah on Monday said Census 2021, which will be a digital exercise in a break from the ‘pen-paper’ tradition followed thus far, would lay the foundation for mapping welfare and entitlement schemes of the government for next many years and ensuring that the right beneficiaries are targeted.

Amit Shah said a single multipurpose identity card can do away with the need for separate documentation such as Aadhaar, PAN, passport etc

Digitally captured data will automatically add an individual to voters' list on attaining the age of 18 & delete names of the deceased: Shah

Improving security, slashing ID fraud and identity theft and creating an infrastructure of trust for new on-line access are high on every government's agenda, with a call for greater security features and the necessary legislation to implement them.

Many advanced countries are now demonstrating that, beyond the security benefits for both states and individuals, national ID cards with their derived digital IDs can provide citizens and businesses with real services and benefits, without infringing upon new rules on data protection and civil liberties.

These National ID programs are also the opportunity to create a secure digital identity for each cardholder. These secure electronic identity cards generally referred to as eID cards or simply eID's are opening the gate to secure and trusted online services.

The most common applications for these smart cards  are in smart travel documents, electronic ID's, electronic signatures, municipal cards, key cards used to access secure areas or business infrastructures, social security cards, etc.

Gemalto's eID card solutions increase citizen protection, contribute to better control immigration and offer an effective means of ID checking such as biometric authentication​, using security that is always one step ahead. Gemalto offers a variety of secure eID cards with a range of professional solutions for a complete solution, which can be delivered as individual systems or using a managed service option.



India can have a single multipurpose id card

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