Chinese company OnePlus announced earlier this month that the company will update the new Android 9.0 Pie's Open Beta update for the OnePlus 6 user. On the other hand, Winplus 6 users who have registered for the Android 9.0 Pie Beta program, they are now getting an update of Open Beta 3 via OTA updates. Updates to the new Open Beta 3 include some bug fixes, stability enhancements, as well as some other improvements. Along with this, OnePlus 6 users can expect to improve Face Unlock and fingerprint scanner performance.
Get these new features
After this new update, improve the stability of the upcoming display with the Ambient display, Face Unlock and improve fingerprint sensor support, Google Assistant and the third-party app will be able to activate while pressing the Power button. In addition, the Parallel Apps section will also get more apps support.
Apart from this, users will get support for backing up and recovery of application data, as well as the home screen, lock screen, and app layout, if the users do not have a connection with the QR code in the old device. Apart from this, the OnePlus Switch app has also been improved. However, there are still some problems with Google Pay in this update and it is not working yet.
Get these new features
After this new update, improve the stability of the upcoming display with the Ambient display, Face Unlock and improve fingerprint sensor support, Google Assistant and the third-party app will be able to activate while pressing the Power button. In addition, the Parallel Apps section will also get more apps support.
Apart from this, users will get support for backing up and recovery of application data, as well as the home screen, lock screen, and app layout, if the users do not have a connection with the QR code in the old device. Apart from this, the OnePlus Switch app has also been improved. However, there are still some problems with Google Pay in this update and it is not working yet.