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Saturday, 9 April 2022

healthy tips on world cancer day

 healthy tips on world cancer day

World Cancer Day

On this day of each year, the entire world unites  battle cancer. The main objective of celebrating World Cancer Day is raising awareness of this disease. For the sake of  let's discuss cancer signs, cancer symptom, and cancer detection. Cancer is  group of diseases that could cause almost any sign symptom. These symptom depend on where it has originated from, it size and its spread.

World Cancer Day

A little trivia about cancer sign and symptoms can be remembered by the abbreviation "CAUTION US" which stand for:

Change in bowel or bladder habit

Any sore that does not heal.

Unusual bleeding  discharge.

Thickening  lump in the breast or elsewhere.


Obvious change in a wart mole.

Nagging cough  hoarseness.

Unexplained anaemia.

Sudden and unexplained loss.

After looking at the cancer signs and symptoms, isn't it simpler to stay away from the risk of cancer? It has been researched and accepted that the chances developing cancer are affected by the lifestyle choice we make. Let's discuss some easy lifestyle change that can make  big difference.

1. Healthy Lifestyle and :

Over 30% of cancer can be prevented by a healthy life style or by  against cancer causing infections (Hepatitis B Virus, Human  (HPV))

2. Avoid Tobacco:

For cancer prevention, it is important to keep yourself from the risk factors  cancer. Tobacco and smoking beingmajor risk factor has been linked to a variety of cancer types for example: lung cancer.  for rehabilitation s could also help you in quitting smoking  chewing tobacco.

3. Follow a Healthy Diet:

Although following a healthy diet cannot guarante cancer prevention, it could help in reducing  cancer risk. A healthy diet could consist of plenty of fruits and vegetable. You can avoid all the high-calorie food, including refined sugars that could make you obese. You can also take control over your alcohol drinking habit to avoid cancers of liver, breast, , lung, and kidney.

4. Maintain  Healthy Weight and Staying Physically Active:

You could lower the risk of various types of cancer, including , prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and kidney cancer.

5. Getting Regular 

It is extremely important to go for preventive health checkup or cancer screening  ensure one's health status. As cancer is one of  silent diseases, you might not even notice any symptom initially. Also, cancer detection done  early cancer stages stand a fair chance of being cured.

Preventing cancer is possible, but it requires proper diet, exercise and healthy habit. Furthermore, you can tackle cancer with the help of a suitable preventive  checkup. You can go for Indus Health Plus' Master Health Checkup that will help you understand the current status  body. The doctor can start further treatment if there are any complication.

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