In the midst of the lockdown, cyber thugs have once again become active. State Bank of India (SBI) had warned its customers about this a few days back. Cyber thieves are now targeting mobile wallet app users. These thieves are stealing in the name of KYC (Know Your Customer) update.
Fraudsters collect information about users' accounts in the name of KYC and then steal it. Many such cases have come up, in which customers are asked to update Paytm KYC and they fall victim to fraud.
Be careful if you get a message in the name of KYC update
In fact, Paytm sends false messages in the name of KYC to the mobile numbers of cyber thugs. This message tells users that if they do not update KYC, their account will be blocked. This format is such that customers do not have any doubts. To avoid the fear of blocking their account, users now click on the link provided in the message when a cyber thief steals the necessary information from their account and empties the account.
Get verified from Paytm
In that case, if you receive such a message, first contact Paytm and get information about it. If you have received a message from the company, you will be notified. If the company does not provide any information about this, then understand that this message is wrong. Cyber thugs trap people with everything from email IDs to SMS. In such a situation, it is necessary for you to take any action only after verifying such message first.
The app also steals through downloads
There have also been cases where customers are given a phone number instead of attaching a link to a message. When the customer calls this mobile number, they are asked to download an app and send one or two rupees in the name of verification. If users login to this app and send money, all their information reaches the cyber thugs. They can then immediately empty the user's account.